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Tina Green

Tina Green is the “Self-Love Queen,” and she is the Founder, Owner, and Transformational Coach at Exposing The Roots.

"When a woman truly loves herself, everything changes, and anything is possible!"

- Tina Green

Through her coaching, Toltec Sacred Journey Breathwork, sacred rituals, women’s circles, and retreats, Tina partners with women to increase their self-love. She is especially passionate about women loving their bodies!

Tina is an ordained Minister of the Healing Arts, Toltec Sacred Journey Breathwork Facilitator, #1 Best-Selling Author, trained Life Coach, and holistic Chef.

Tina brings her vital mother energy and lived experience to everyone she serves.

Tina also has 20 years of experience as an executive in non-profit and financial services.

Tina lives with her husband and two teenage daughters in Northern California. She is a personal transformation enthusiast, life-long student, foodie, outdoor adventurer, music and theatre lover, and traveler.

Lived Experience:

My lived experience is a big part of my wisdom and service.   I lifted a heavy cloak of shame that I was wearing for most of my adult life.  I felt shame about everything beautiful and powerful about being a woman.  

I stepped onto a new path of deep healing. I first focused on body shame, and I discovered it lived for generations on the maternal side of my family. I was literally born into body shame.   Through sacred ceremony, ritual and breathwork, I released my shame and gave it back to my ancestors.   

I learned to love and accept my body as is, and ever since, I have felt deep freedom and zest for life that is still growing.

I wrote a very intimate and inspiring account of healing my body shame in the #1 best-selling collaborative book, "Shaman Heart - Turning Pain into Passion and Purpose."   I wrote a chapter in the book titled "Exposing the Roots of Body Shame - Carving a path to Self-love, Acceptance, and Freedom."   If you join my email list, you will receive a FREE copy of my chapter in PDF format.  

​After working on my shame for decades and eventually breaking through, I gained a lot of wisdom about what truly works. 

In my service to others, I have deep wisdom about what needs to happen first.  There is a lot of advice in the world about how we can "think" our way to self-love. I have learned that we can't get out of it with the same brain that got us there.  We need to do some somatic, experiential work and release it from the body.  Deeper roots need to be exposed, honored, felt, and released before we can start to heal and gain freedom.

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